Course Information

Home 9 Summer Session 9 Course Information

Below you will find information on courses, including course links to timetables, course deadlines, as well as a detailed explanation of the course evaluation process.


Course Deadlines

Summer Courses

  • Course outlines are due at the Office of the Secretariat by June 1st
  • Courses generally begin the first Monday after Canada Day and conclude on the last Friday of the month
  • Grades are due in to the Office of the Secretariat by September 10th

Fall Courses

  • Course outlines are due at the Office of the Secretariat by August 1st
  • Courses begin the week after Labour Day and conclude by December 15th
  • Grades are due in to the Office of the Secretariat by January 10th

Winter Courses

  • Course outlines are due at the Office of the Secretariat by December 1st
  • Courses begin the second week of January and conclude by April 15th
  • Grades are due in to the Office of the Secretariat by May 10th

Course Evaluations 

The administrative assistant in the Office of the Secretariat administers and oversees course evaluations. Course evaluations are carried out during the final week of all courses as follows:

  • Doctoral Seminars I and II (by a staff representative at the host university)
  • Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (on-line)
  • Social/Cultural/Political Contexts of Education (on-line)
  • Cognition and Learning (on-line)
  • The Research Colloquium course (on-line)

Responses are anonymous regardless of whether evaluations are completed on campus or on-line. Please see the Program Handbook for specific information regarding the process of course evaluations.